Sunday, February 11, 2007

Go Shawty! It's your BIRTHDAY!!!!!!

Well, you can't find me in the club, but I am celebrating "another year better" on this day.... February 11. Since it's not polite to ask a lady her age, logic (at least MY logic) follows that it's also not impolite if I choose to conceal such information. I'll only call myself "twentysomething" and quote the one and only Jay-Z... "thirty's the new twenty." And, no, I'm not 29. Or 28 for that matter. :-)

Anyhow, I know it's been a while since my last post, but I've been busy being fabulous and what-not. However, I felt compelled to write considering that today, the anniversary of my birth, is such a momentous occasion!

So, what insight have I learned (or learned better) from experiencing one more year in this world?

Here is one through ten, in no particular order:

1. Faith without work is dead.

2. Follow your instinct; it hardly ever fails you.

3. Always put your best foot forward, for you never know who might be watching.

4. Distinguish those who truly have your best interest as a priority from those who do not; keep the former close, but don't forget the latter.

5. Be a good friend to those that are good to you; everyone else deserves cordiality.

6. Don't ever be afraid to dream!

7. Learn to listen. The skill is invaluable.

8. Stay true to yourself. Pretending to be someone you're not is exhausting.

9. Being this fabulous doesn't come easy!

10. It's cold at the top...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good words.