Tuesday, December 05, 2006

"I didn't go to church today, but I seriously considered it. I think that should count for something."

Someone made this statement to me, and it got me to thinking... must one go to church to be religious? This same question was posed to Kirk Franklin (GC, are you wit' me?!) one morning on the radio. He sagely responded with a question of his own, namely: Do you have to wear a ring to be married? Of course the answer to Franklin's query is no, one does not have to wear a wedding ring to be married. But, he clearly made the point that there are things one does, albeit through formalistic rituals, to signify that they are married, such as wearing a gold band on their left ring finger. Likewise, Christians go to church, among other reasons, to indicate that they are in fact Christians.

I admit that I have been slacking on going to church for the past month or so. Between traveling and having weekend guests, it has been difficult for me to get my praise on. But, I've always felt that I can speak to God on my own, and therefore, did not really need to go to church to feed my spirituality. As far as I was concerned, going to church was optional. And, although I choose to attend because I am of the mind that listening to a pastor preach the word provides me with a deeper understanding of my God and my religion, and because I always feel better after I leave the sanctuary, my reasoning has shifted, and I owe it all to Kirk! I often hear that others should KNOW that saved people are just that; that saved people should be recognized as such both in their words and their actions. Well, a prerequisite for wearing your Christianity on your sleeve is going to church. Thank you, Brother Kirk. I stand corrected.

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