Saturday, June 09, 2007

And you give me the most gorgeous sleep that I've ever had...

I watched Music and Lyrics over the weekend, and it reminded me of how I adore the song "Underneath It All." Whenever I hear Gwen sing-speak this line...a flood of emotions washes over me. Such a simple concept, yet so profound: a relationship where each night, you sleep a sweet slumber, knowing that your significant other is doing right by you. You trust it so much that not only is there no sleep lost, but you rest peacefully, beautifully...gorgeously.

I long for a lovely sleep into which I fall gently, eyes fluttering, a subtle smile across my face as the sandman guides me into what promises to be a night filled with pleasant dreams. Instead, Corrine Bailey Rae currently sings the soundtrack of my life.

"It's late and I'm feeling so tired...having trouble sleeping."

But, I'm not falling in love. In fact, I'm trying to fall out of it. And all the restless nights? Blame them on the constant war between logic and emotion.


1969 said...

Awww...I say you take some Benadryl and get that good sleep on your own. LOL

I like that song too.... :)

Anonymous said...

**snap snap snap**

Uhm can we please get some more frequent entries...please and thank

Pretty Primadonna said...

@ 1969... isn't it such a great song? Great advice, btw.

@ Suezette... I aim to please! I apologize for the infrequent posts, but it's so hard to maintan both a hardcopy journal and an electronic one!