Monday, November 19, 2007

Under Construction

Today is one of those days that I feel like I have my entire life ahead of me and I can do anything I dream! Right now, I'm at the point where I am starting my career and cementing what I want out of life and who I really am. Some days I feel truly lost. I find myself asking what step am I supposed to take next? What if I make a wrong turn? What does the future hold? I plan to make a big move, both location- and career-wise, in the next year. It fills me with excitement to finally get a change of scenery (I don't call this place "Tallawacky" for nothing) and to pursue other avenues of my profession. However, it is also easy to get discouraged from making such moves when one thinks of how comfortable one's current situation is. I know, though, that I want more out of life and that I have outgrown my surroundings. I only hope that things work out in the end, like they always have.

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