Wednesday, March 26, 2008

It's more than just a crush.

It's an obsession. With CNN anchor T. J. Holmes. He's smart, but not nerdy. Sexy, but down to earth. Southern, but not country. For what more could Pretty ask? ~swoon~


...they call me "L" said...

Hey betta step back! LOL!! I already got this one on LOCK!

Pretty Primadonna said...

^^No, no, my sista! You gon' have to get your own! ;-)

Unknown said...

Oooo Pretty!!! He is quite dreamy!!!

nicole said...

YUM!!!! too bad Chili is all up in that!! :/

On second thought, I ain't mad at her at all! lol

Unknown said...

Pretty P...I tagged you on my blog...check it out!!